最後, 原來問題在於CHROME內的Quic Protocol的默認通信本身, 使下載得1成速度。不過更重要的是, 問題出於與Sophos UTM9防火牆之間的關。 最後測試得到以下解決方法:
1) chrome://flags
2) 把"Experimental QUIC protocol"設為DISABLE
One day, I found Chrome's download speed just has 200~300KB/s. Even I download a file from Google Drive, the speed can't increase.
After searching, I have a result. This problem comes from Chrome and Sophos UTM9 firewall.
If it needs to get back the speed, you need to disable the QUIC Protocol from Chrome.
Following are the steps:
1) Type chrome://flags
2) Find "Experimental QUIC protocol" and disable it.